Chillagoe Smelter

Chillagoe, QLD
0.8 km (0.25 hrs )
The Chillagoe Smelters were once the centre of a thriving mining industry, operating between 1901 and 1943. Copper and lead were the main metals smelted, with lesser amounts of silver and gold. It is hard to believe now with the small population of Chillagoe, but at times, the mines, railway and smelter provided employment for up to 1,000 workers.
Much of the site of the former smelters is fenced with restricted access. A short walk to two lookouts provides views of the industrial ruins, with the three chimneys of the blast furnace, power plant and pre treatment plant dominating the site. The giant slag heap, an accumulation of waste produced by the smelting process can also be seen from one of the lookouts. There are numerous information signs describing the history of the site, but no other facilities.