Moscow Villa
Bentley Plain, VIC
3.0 km (1 hr )
Moscow Villa was constructed in 1943 as the summer residence of Bill AhChow, a forester who worked at the nearby Mount Nugong. Named after the battle of Moscow as a joke by Bill, he was asked to change the name as it was deemed unpatriotic. Thinking quickly, Bill replied that Moscow Villa stood for My Own Summer Cottage: Officially Welcomes Visitors Inside: Light Luncheon Available. He was allowed to retain the name.
Moscow Villa is located on the Bentley Plain in Victoria's high country. There are three walks and two camping areas located nearby, with the Bentley Plain Campground (the former forestry camp located about 1 km from the hut) having better facilities and is where I camped overnight. I enjoyed both the Douglas Reserve Walk (a 1 km through the forest) and the Bentley Creek Walking Track (a 2 km walk over the open meadow / swamp.