Red Car Door Tour
Lightning Ridge, NSW
2.8 km (0.5 hrs )
The quirky Car Door Tours are Lightning Ridge’s answer to 'self drive' tours and are a great way to explore and learn more about this opal mining town. There are four tours in total, and each are demarcated by colour coded and numbered car doors - Red, Blue, Yellow and Green. Most can be done in an ordinary car when it is dry, but a high range vehicle is recommended for the Yellow and Green tours. A map showing the route and information about each of the stops can be obtained from the Visitors Information Centre.
The Red Car Door Tour is located off Shermans Way and explores the south east section of Lightning Ridge. This tour will take you through a number of opal fields and has stops at Amigo’s Castle and Kangaroo Hill.
The Artesian Bore Baths are located further east on Shermans Way and are a must to visit when in Lightning Ridge. The water that flows from the Great Artesian Basin is a constant 41.5 degrees and contains reputedly therapeutic qualities that relieve aching muscles. My dad loved soaking in these baths!