Blue Car Door Tour


Lightning Ridge, NSW
1.6 km (0.25 hrs )

The quirky Car Door Tours are Lightning Ridge’s answer to 'self drive' tours and are a great way to explore and learn more about this opal mining town. There are four tours in total, and each are demarcated by colour coded and numbered car doors - Red, Blue, Yellow and Green. Most can be done in an ordinary car when it is dry, but a high range vehicle is recommended for the Yellow and Green tours. A map showing the route and information about each of the stops can be obtained from the Visitors Information Centre.

The Blue Car Door Tour is the shortest of the four tours and explores the north and east part of Lightning Ridge. Stops on the tour include the Walk-in-Mine, which offers self-guided tours of an opal mine and Bevan’s Cactus Nursery, which has over 2,300 species of cacti.

Blue Car Door Tour