Victoria Falls

Grade 5 Grade 5

Mount Victoria, NSW
7.5 km (3.5 hrs )

Victoria Falls has been on my to do list for a while, so it was wonderful to finally have a weekend with no rain to be able to tackle this track. Located in the western end of the Blue Mountains, the track is one of several that descend into the spectacular Grose Valley. I found this to be the easiest of the three tracks that I have been on so far, making for a relatively easier descent, albeit with almost 500 m of elevation change, there were still a lot of stairs to descend!

Beginning with some stunning views of the Grose Valley at Victoria Falls Lookout, I took the track that zig zags to the stunningly beautiful Silver Cascades. This short detour off the main track is definitely worth seeing, being the highlight of this walk. Victoria Falls themselves was not far from here. There was a fair bit of water cascading from the horseshoe shaped falls, making for a lovely view.

Having come this far, I decided to use the opportunity to push on and visit Burra Korain Flat, one of two designated camping areas in the Grose Valley. The 1.5 km track to the campsite follows Victoria Creek and can be quite challenging in places, especially if you are carrying a heavy pack. Burra Korain is located at the intersection of Victoria Creek and the Grose River and from here you can venture further into the valley to exit at various locations, ranging from Pierces Pass near Walls Lookout in the north, to Lockleys Pylon in the east.

Burra Korain